Problem's with the Raspberry Pi 2 running jessie

Well it's been a "learning-curve" with jessie on the Pi 2 to say the least!

1) Aliases--
    Aliases and functions no longer can be put in .bashrc you have to create a new file in your home
    directory called: .bash_aliases then compile with: source ~/.bash_aliases
    WILL WORK: alias cls='clear;'
    WON'T WORK: alias l='cls; ls -la' WILL WORK: alias l='clear; ls -la'
    NOTE: You can no longer pass the cls; onto another Alias!


When apache2 & php5 are installed, the index.html  file is now in: /var/www/html  NOT  /var/www


Now if I can figure out how to boot to Composite video instead of HDMI, I'll finally
be able to take a break until I find the next problem!!

So that's what I had to go through to fix the "Current" known issues!

Here are a couple of other useful pages: gpiozero problems   Minimal jessie install:  click  Minimal version is: 365MB;  The full version is: 1.3GB Both are Here
Obviously, the full version gives you the GUI...


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