Sense Hat Problem
with the Raspberry Pi 2 running jessie
1) Timing issue--
1a) Make SURE to run: sudo apt-get update && sudo
apt-get upgrade -y right after you do the initial
configuration and reboot.
DON'T PANIC when it seems like an
eternity, and stops for a while when upgrading!
2) I spent all day yesterday, (01/16/2015), trying to find out why I
could not control my Sense Hat, (also known as Astro Pi)!
When I would reboot, ALL of the LEDs
would remain lit on the Sense Hat, and I could not control the Sense
In python3 entering sense = SenseHat() I got an error!!
Here is how I FINALLY fix the problem through ALL of
these steps!
3) Do: sudo apt-get install
libraspberrypi-bin libraspberrypi-dev libraspberrypi-doc
libraspberrypi0 python-rpi.gpio python3-rpi.gpio
raspberrypi-bootloader sonic-pi(remember, this should ALL be put on one
line!) (NOTE:sonic-pi will take 30 minutes or so!)
3a) Then: sudo apt-get install
build-essential python-dev python-pip mercurial
NOTE: mercurial
& nodered will take a LONG TIME to install! cd ~ hg clone
raspberry-gpio-python-code(yes, hg is a real
command!) cd raspberry-gpio-python-code sudo python install
I found an additional fix at: Here Follow it's Instructions.
Just follow this whole page and do exactly what it says, and add
the: device_tree_overlay=overlays/timer-always-on.dtb
on the last line of /boot/config.txt
4) Add the following into the /etc/modules, after the step
w1-gpio pullup=1
If you plan on using the Pi Camera; they MUST be in
this order, otherwise, running
an i2c program will CRASH the Pi Camera!!! ONLY a Reboot will
fix the problem.
5) sudo reboot -- when my Pi 2 Reboot, ALL of the LEDs were
OFF! Yaaaaaa!!!!
6) Went into python3 and entered: sense =
SenseHat() and it TOOK!
7) Tried out a few test programs, and the Sense Hat worked perfectly.